Kelly Snowshoes Snowmobile Club
Fun Stuff!
“Don’t Come Lookin’”
Original Song by Jackson Dean
11/2/2023: Hello everyone! I hope the little ditty below will get you motivated for the upcoming snowmobile season!
I was listening to the car radio recently and Jackson Dean’s song “Don’t Come Lookin’” was playing. As I listened, I couldn’t help but think with a few tweaks to the words, it could easily be associated with snowmobiling. When safely out riding with friends and family, that is how I feel…please “don’t come lookin’” for me unless it’s to join us on the ride! If you are unfamiliar with this song, please take a listen to get the beat and sing along with the snowmobile version below.

“Don’t Come Lookin’ – Snowmobile Style”
Got a head full of noise
About a hundred different things I'm tryin’ to avoid
I got a mind to go ridin’
Got a helmet in one hand, a key in the other
Got the snowmobile purring and my fingers crossed
Just lookin' for a brand-new trail to get lost
So long…a black track turning
Got a tank full of gas, down the trail, I'm burning
Can't say I would, and I can't say I wouldn't
If I don't come back, don't come lookin'
Feels good, about time
Blue skies ahead and B-S behind
Got the wind in my face
I got nowhere to go so I'm already there
And maybe Mercer, maybe the Bearskin
Maybe the long Mountain Bay, or the trails ‘round Hatley
Maybe North or maybe South
I don't care as long as it's now
So long…a black track turning
Got a tank full of gas, down the trail, I'm burning
Can't say I would, and I can't say I wouldn't
If I don't come back, don't come lookin'
Come on
If you wanna throttle down tonight
Come on
If you're lookin' for a real good time
Come on
If you kinda wanna cruise in style
So long…a black track turning
Got a tank full of gas, down the trail, I'm burning
Can't say I would, and I can't say I wouldn't
If I don't come back, don't come lookin'
So long…a black track turning
Got a tank full of gas, down the trail, I'm burning
Can't say I would, and I can't say I wouldn't
If I don't come back, don't come lookin'
More Fun Stuff!
THANK YOU TO OUR BOARD MEMBERS: Below you will find that I'm bringing back the tribute to our board members, so I hope you enjoy this “Kelly Snowshoes twist" to Clement Clarke Moore’s “Twas the Night Before Christmas”. Based on Wikipedia, his poem was first published anonymously in the New York Sentinel in 1823. The poem below is also shared in hopes of conjuring up a bit of inspiration for the upcoming season. Feel free to give it a read using the same rhythm as that poem you know so well. Please enjoy...
'Twas Late Summer

‘Twas late summer, with the trails still leafy and green,
Not a sled was stirring since it’s still short of Halloween.
The snowmobiles were all tucked in the garages with care,
In hopes by December they could be flying midair.
The riders were all nestled snug in their beds,
While visions of snowflakes danced in their heads.
Trails that are white and clean is the goal,
So we can be ready to rock ’n’ roll in the snow.
When outside the Club Shed, there arose such a clatter,
Dennis sprang from his President’s chair to see what was the matter.
Away to the door he made a mad dash
To hear only thunder and see the next lightning flash.
Yup, it still summertime, and what do you know,
Kelly Snowshoes members aren’t all thinking snow.
They have Harleys to ride and fishing lures to fling.
They have picnics and campfires and golf clubs to swing.
But it won’t be long until trail-opening day,
So preparations for Kelly Snowshoes will soon be underway.
There’s grooming and brushing and signing to do,
To get our trails ready for the likes of you.
With registration renewals and memberships due,
With trail pass stickers and maintenance to pursue.
It all must be done in the blink of any eye,
To ensure we are ready for those sleds to fly.
Now Dennis! Now Randy, Now Melinda and Josh,
Lead us, lead us, lead up by-gosh.
On Robb. On Caleb, and of course, On Ben.
They truly are the best board members! Amen!
Shiny new signs were hung with care,
In hopes that new members will soon find our lair.
There should never be an El Niño as those weathermen say.
We want deep, sparkling snow for those tracks to play.
So now you must help influence Mother Nature,
By sending her messages much like a preacher.
She needs to know a winter wonderland is desired,
So frequent and blustery snow days will be required.
Cool temps are a must when we think of deep snow,
Since we want it always to be 20 degrees or below.
There should be no such thing on our trails as “snirt,”
Because pretty white snow should never be mixed with black dirt!
We want our talented young drivers to be happy and content,
To be driving the groomer in the spur of the moment.
We want rivers, streams and lakes that are solidly frozen,
To allow us to speed over the ones we have chosen.
As our summertime story comes to a close,
This old gal’s expectation is quite grandiose.
We want perfect Wisconsin snowmobile trails,
Where the only green is pine-tree and white prevails!